Normally, most pre-teens dream of having their 18th birthday celebrated in all grandness, experiencing a princess' life even just for a day. And I'd say that I'm no exception.
I do believe that every girl deserves to have her 18th birthday celebration be something worthwhile, memorable, and something that a girl will treasure for as long as she lives.
Just a few months ago, I've been invited in a friend's debut, which is semi-formal, and that debut, I know for sure, ignited a spark in me that I too would love to spend my 18th birthday that way; with family and friends in a less simple gathering though (since I am well aware that it would cost mom and dad a favorably huge amount of money).
Luckily, my simple wish of celebrating it with them was granted. And as one of July's debutantes, I will gladly share here the most memorable birthday party I have ever experienced.
First off, my celebration was moved to the 29th of July considering that on 23, which is Monday, is an unfavorable date for most of my guests. But that doesn't necessarily mean that 23 had been typical and I'd love to credit my college friends for that. Preparing what I assumed is a birthday cake in the form of munchkins, several letters made out of my troop's creative minds, and different colored confetti.
I was also able to treat them food which is really nice. Add to that the numerous greetings that I received from my Facebook friends and my mini celebration at home. Simple things like that makes me think how lucky I still am that a lot of people appreciates me and all that.
Saturday came and I was really excited to go home even when am still on my way to school. Haha. Good thing too that ma'am Congee agreed to dismiss the class earlier since I told her that I'd be celebrating my 18th birthday that night and I at least had to be there by 7pm. I wasn't able to invite everyone from class and all the other people who's been really nice to me, which is a waste, since I was worried about our budget and the fact that our house was pretty small that it cannot accommodate a lot of people. I only got to invite those that are closest to me.
Fast forward and I, along with Jessu, Gannz, Hennah, Gayle, and Remalyn, were on our way then to Petron where we would get fetched by my uncle knowing well enough that we'd not fit in our car. As we got inside, my aunt told us that we were just dropping by a bank and obviously, we all nodded in agreement. Who am I to complain when they were nice enough to accommodate all six of us, right?
The ride was taking quite long and I was getting worried that I'd be late on my own celebration. My anxiety grew when my mom called letting me know that my closest high school friends were already there. Impatiently, I texted my mom saying how close I was to tears at that time because I was afraid to let my guests wait for me for too long.
We stopped in front of an area with a gigantic gate. I was wondering then where the heck is the bank located. My aunt then told us that her son asked her to get something for her in that place and also told us to get down first despite her telling that it wouldn't take her that long. I got down quite pissed until I saw my younger brother Joaquin smiling mischievously at me. And that's when I figured things out.
I was only steps away from the 'real' venue when my high school classmates sang a birthday song for me and I think I have forgotten the mechanics of speaking. I was ecstatic and speechless!
Aside from that though, I was also hungry. :D The next thing I knew, I was, with my college friends, in line for the scrumptious dinner waiting for us. While I was busy enjoying my food, my mom came to me saying that I should at least change because I smell bad (which is not necessary) and whatnot so I reluctantly got up and went upstairs, in our room (the place got two rooms by the way) washed quickly, got dressed and went down right
I scanned the area and realized that there'r two cakes on the right side of the venue. Ahhh..So we're also celebrating my younger sister's 2nd birthday. Cool.

And the party continued. It wasn't anything formal so I was surprised when my dad came over to me, (my eating gets interrupted again) and told me that I was about to dance with my 18 roses so yea, I stood up and danced with him. Honestly though, half of those men were people am not really familiar with. Lol. Maybe cause there's not much men in my family (plus, my other younger brother was having a fever and my cousin wasn't present because he was preparing for his upcoming swimming competition). Although, In did enjoyed the dance. My first one was, of course, my dad, while my last dance was Karl, my closest guy friend. (or gal perhaps)
After that, I finally got to continue and finish my food. Halfway through though, my mom went in front saying that a simple birthday AVP was prepared for me by my friends from High School and College. I knew that Gannz and the others prepared one for me (and even got a clue who that video will include. :P) but was surprised to hear that my HS friends prepared one too.
The video showed a lot of unexpected faces that seriously shocked the heck out of me. It was sweet and really touching too and I've never felt that loved in my entire life before. (Okay, am getting way dramatic here)
I did shed tears too, mind you! :)))
The thing that surprised me, and probably everyone present there, though were the last 3 persons to greet me in that video. Because believe it or not, those three were Coco Martin, Xian Lim, and well, my dream guy, Enchong Dee respectively. Say what?! Oh yes, jaw-dropped, that was exactly my reaction when Coco's face (and the other two actors) flashed before my eyes.
I was, for the second time around, speechless. That ended the video and I was like, 'what just happened?' I didn't understand a thing from everyone who greeted me there since my friends' kept on commenting every now and then. Especially when the actors' faces came out. Ohmy. Everyone went wild. (or not really that wild. xD)
The night went on with everyone finally grasping on the idea that three of the most sought actors actually video greeted me. Haha! We took photos afterwards and changed to our swimming outfits otherwise known as our normal shirt and shorts attire.
I seriously never wanted that night to end.
Here's Gianelle, or Gian, my younger sister with High school friends by the way! ^^
On the other hand, here are some random pics inside our room just right after everyone enjoyed the pool. Laughter was echoing inside the very small room and I'd say that was mostly because of Karl's quirky antics!
Aside from the AVP's, numerous gifts, delectable foods, I am way happier having known such thoughtful people. My family, my friends, family friends. Everyone who's been there and those who wished me a happy birthday are all blessings in life that I will forever treasure. I will end this post thanking God for giving me the opportunity to celebrate with them and be reminded that I have a lot to be thankful in life.